Can EcoSmart Stone be easily installed by a DIY handy-person?
Phil Perkins - Owner Builder - Tasmania , Australia
”We loved, and wanted stone for our new build, but had no experience in stone masonry, so we looked for options we could undertake”
Phil and Edna Perkins, single handed, clad their new home themselves. Phil is a retired school teacher, who decided to build their dream retirement home themselves. Looking at the result clearly he had with some wonderful other attributes apart from teaching.
Would the installation be as simple we had hoped?
We were attracted by a natural stone material with thermal insulation benefits. More particularly the use of a mechanical fixing system that enabled us to undertake the installation ourselves. Essentially we just followed the instruction detail supplied with the materials. Like anything new to us there was the odd challenge, but nothing daunting. On the whole it was a very smooth installation, and the result really speaks for itself.